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"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, Vol. 34, no. 3. ISSN 2312-2951

"NP" 2024 year Vol. 34 no. 3.,   ABSTRACTS


G. E. Rudnitskaya, A. N. Zubik, A. A. Evstrapov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 3—27.

Valves are important functional elements needed to create microfluidic devices, lab-on-a-chip platforms, and micro total analysis systems (μTAS). An ideal microfluidic system integrates numerous sequential operations, provides precise spatiotemporal release of reagents and flow control, and is suitable for fast and low-cost fabrication. Therefore, the development of valves is one of the most important tasks when constructing such systems. Compared to active valves, passive valves are more convenient for integration into microfluidic devices, since they allow you to regulate the flow rate without complex feedback and provide flow shut-off, flow mixing, etc. Passive microvalves have a lower cost and simpler design than active ones. The article discusses passive check and capillary microvalves and provides examples of different designs.

Keywords: microfluidics, microfluidic devices, microvalve, passive valve, capillary microvalves

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Zubik Aleksandra Nikolaevna, tunix@yandex.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 02.04.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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A. P. Voloshchenko, P. P. Pivnev


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 28—36.

The article discusses the use of hydroacoustic equipment to solve problems in underwater archeology. In particular, the problems of remote detection and identification of cultural heritage objects hidden by sediments are considered. The indicated problems are solved using a parametric profilograph. The basic principles of the operation of an acoustic profilograph are outlined. The differences between linear and parametric profilographs are given. The principles and features of the operation of a parametric profilograph are explained. The results of hydroacoustic profiling of the excavation site of the flooded Khazar fortress Sarkel are discussed. The methods and conditions for conducting the study are outlined. The parameters of the equipment used are given. The obtained profilograms are presented. Analysis and interpretation of the profiling results were carried out. Characteristic features of the bottom topography and cultural heritage objects discovered during the hydroacoustic survey and archaeological excavation data were compared. As a result, an area that fully corresponded to the description of the excavation site was found. The correspondence was confirmed both by the presence of characteristic features of the relief and by traces of excavations. The ditches surrounding the fortress and the remains of brick buildings were also discovered and identified. The ditches were completely covered with a mixture of sand and silt, so their detection became possible only with the help of a parametric profilograph.

Keywords: parametric profilograph, profilogram, river sediments, bottom structure, underwater archeology, Sarkel

Author affiliation:

Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russian Federation

Contacts: Voloshchenko Alexander Petrovich , apvoloshhenko@sfedu.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 25.03.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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E. V. Voloshchenko


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 37—53.

The analysis of ultrasonic methods for measuring the parameters of sea waves and the technical characteristics of the devices implementing them is carried out. Among the devices, the main attention is paid to the prospect of using a "virtual" parametric transmitting array (PTA) in a new way – as a tool for indirectly assessing the degree of sea surface roughness when measuring hydro conditions in coastal waters. The measurement scheme and methodology, the instrumentation of the measuring installation were opted to calibrate the employed PTA in the range of generated difference frequency waves, as well as to carry out model experiments to study the patterns of ultrasonic field scattering when irradiating several acoustically soft reflector plates with different parameters of the sinusoidal profile of irregularities. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, a method for measuring the parameters of rough sea surface is proposed, for example, for the mode of broadband bistatic irradiation (the oscillator and receiver are spaced apart) with ultrasonic signals from the bottom.

Keywords: parametric transmitting array, nonlinear acoustics, scattering of ultrasonic waves at rough water-air interface

Author affiliations:

Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia

Contacts: Voloshchenko Elizaveta Vadimovna, voloshchenko.liza@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 22.04.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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D. A. Kosteev, A. K. Britenkov, N. E. Zemnyukov, A. V. L'vov, M. B. Salin


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 54—63.

The use of repeaters in hydroacoustic experiments makes it possible to increase the accuracy of measured parameters such as the speed of an object, its scattering force, and propagation losses. The paper discusses the use of a frequency-shifted repeater when emitting hydroacoustic signals in continuous and pulsed modes. A technique has been tested for determining the speed of a moving object using a repeater based on a compact 3D LF – a low-frequency hydroacoustic transducer of the longitudinal-bending type with a complex shape of the radiating shell. It is shown that the proposed technique provides modulation of the backlight signal in real time as well as simulation of signals reflected by large moving objects. The results of the experiments are consistent with preliminary calculations and confirm, within the framework of the proposed methodology, the possibility of using signals (including continuous signals) of various shapes for the acoustic diagnosis of anomalies in the marine environment.

Keywords: hydroacoustics, signal relay, hydroacoustic emitter, scattering force, Doppler effect, piezoelectric transducer, acoustic power

Author affiliations:

Federal Research Center "A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics of RAS",
Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Contacts: Kosteev Dmitriy Alekseevich, dkosteev@ipfran.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 26.04.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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A. A. Gavrishev1, D. L. Osipov2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 64—69.

This article evaluates the effect of the peak factor of input signals on the signal-to-noise ratio of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It is indicated that ADC play an important role in modern radio communication systems based on software-configurable radio systems. It is noted that one of the key characteristics of the ADC is quantization noise, which directly affects its important property such as the signal-to-noise ratio. An expression is described for calculating the signal-to-noise ratio of the ADC, depending on the peak factor of the input signal. The evaluation of the signal-to-noise ratio of the ADC for radio communication systems with various types of signals (simple signals; signals generated using binary pseudorandom sequences; signals generated using chaotic signal generators) was carried out. The results obtained, taking into account the assumptions and limitations introduced, show that the peak factor of input signals directly affects the signal-to-noise ratio of the ADC, and its influence should be taken into account when operating, developing and improving modern radio communication systems, including those using promising complex signals.

Keywords: radio communication systems, ADC, quantization noise, signal-to-noise ratio, peak factor, input signal

Author affiliations:

1NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
2NCFU, Stavropol, Russia

Contacts: Gavrishev Aleksey Andreevich, alexxx.2008@inbox.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 16.04.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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B. P. Sharfarets


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 70—78.

The paper substantiates the possibility of using a hydrodynamic model of a viscous, incompressible, heat-conducting fluid to calculate the parameters of electroosmotic flow in a porous medium filled with liquid under conditions of the application of a constant and alternating electric field to this medium. Conditions for transitioning to this model from the model of viscous, compressible liquid are given. The boundaries of the problem parameters, in particular the boundaries of flow velocities and frequency constraints for the justification of such a transition, are specified. The obtained results can be used in modeling the above processes using computational packages.

Keywords: electroosmosis, viscous incompressible heat-conducting fluid, system of Navier-Stokes equations and heat transfer

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Sharfarets Boris Pinkusovich, sharb@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 06.05.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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I. V. Kurnin


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 79—86.

The paper presents the results of modeling the motion of non-evaporated droplets (from an electrospray ionization source) entering the input interface of a mass spectrometer through a capillary. The interface is a radio frequency ion funnel with a jet disruptor, which is a disk plate located on the axis of the funnel behind the capillary. It is shown that when matching the parameters of the output jet with the size of the disk, the non-evaporated droplets with a diameter of 0.1—10 microns effectively deflect sideways along with the gas flow and thus do not spread further along the ion path, that contributes to a significant reduction in the noise level in the mass spectrum.

Keywords: transport capillary, electrospray, atmospheric pressure interface of mass spectrometer, gasflow, ion funnel

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Kurnin Igor' Vasil'evich, igor.kurnin@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 11.07.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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S. V. Biryukov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 87—97.

The article highlights the formation of sensitive elements in a dual spherical detector of electric field strength. The construction of a dual detector is based on two double detectors located on the same coordinate axis. The dual detector consists of a conductive sphere and three pairs of sensing elements. Sensitive elements are part of a spherical surface and are formed as a result of cutting the sphere by three planes passing through its center and a plane passing through the center of the sphere perpendicular to its axis of rotation. The planes dissect the sphere into six sensitive elements in the form of spherical biangles, organized into three diametrically opposite pairs. In the first pair, two sensitive elements located on the same coordinate axis are central, the remaining sensitive elements included in the other two pairs are lateral. A pair of central sensor elements is part of the first double detector. Two pairs of lateral sensitive elements, combined with a pair of central ones, form the composite sensitive elements of the second double detector. The compiled mathematical model of a dual spherical detector with sensitive elements in the form of spherical biangles made it possible to determine the best angular dimensions of the sensitive elements in terms of obtaining the minimum error due to field inhomogeneity and the permissible spatial range of measurements. It has been revealed that the central sensitive elements of the dual detector should have a range of angular dimensions limited by the longitudinal 2Θ01 = 62° and transverse 2φ01 = 180° angles, and the lateral elements — by 2Θ02 = 58° and 2φ02 = 180° angles of the longitudinal Θ and latitudinal φ angles of the polar coordinate system. This solution will provide the dual detector with a field strength measurement error of δ(α) ≤ |± 0.7|% in the permissible 0 ≤ α ≤ 0.94 spatial measurement range.

Keywords: twin spherical sensor, double-angle sensing element, electric field, error from field inhomogeneity, distance to the field source

Author affiliations:

Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia

Contacts: Biryukov Sergey Vladimirovich, sbiryukov154@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 23.05.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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E. A. Krasiukov, T. G. Demyanov, V. V. Petrosyants


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 98—105.

Experimental installation for a high-power hydroacoustic signal generator is developed. Experimental installation is accounted for creating electric discharges in liquids with impulse power of more than 10 megawatts and frequency of discharges up to 30 hertz. Two designs of impact excitation hydroacoustic antennas are suggested: double plate and cylindrical. Selection of cylindrical shaped antenna is justified. Based on experimental data directional diagram is drawn and mathematical model of cylinder-shaped antenna is suggested. Power of sound propagationas a function of distance is suggested. Calculation method for such antennas is developed. Suitability of electrohydraulic antennas for high-distance underwater sound propagation is shown.

Keywords: electrohydraulic impact, sound pressure, directional diagram, magnification coefficient, quality factor,
frequency of fluctuations

Author affiliations:

The Far Easter Federal University, city of Vladivostok, Russkiy island, Ajax village, Russian Federation

Contacts: Krasiukov Egor Andreevich, krasyukov.eggor@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 23.07.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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E. V. Lutschekina


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 106—116.

A brief analysis of the results of the implementation of the national projects "Science" and "Science and Universities" in 2019—2022 in terms of the tasks of updating the research infrastructure was carried out. The problems arising during the implementation of the task under the conditions of the adopted sanctions are noted. Possible solutions to these problems are proposed. Based on the state statistics, the analysis of trends in the development of the research infrastructure of scientific organizations in 2019—2023 was carried out. It is stated that the development of domestic instrumentation is one of the main conditions for the renewal of the instrument park of scientific organizations.

Keywords: infrastructure for scientific research, scientific devices and equipment

Author affiliations:

Institute for study of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISS RAS), Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Lutschekina Elena Vasil'evna, E.Lutschekina@issras.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 02.07.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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  5. Protsent kassovogo ispolneniya natsproekta "Nauka i universitety" v God nauki i tekhnologii sostavil 99,4% [Percentage of cash execution of the national project "Science and Universities" in the Year of Science and Technology amounted to 99.4%]. URL: https://minobrnauki.gov.ru/press-center/news/novosti-ministerstva/48832/ (In Russ.).
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  8. Dmitrii Chernyshenko: Na importozameshchenie nauchnogo oborudovaniya v ehtom godu budet napravleno 8 mlrd rublei [Dmitry Chernyshenko: 8 billion rubles will be allocated for import substitution of scientific equipment this year]. URL: http://government.ru/news/45098/ (In Russ.).
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Ulitsa Ivana Chernykh, 31-33, lit. A, St. Petersburg, Russia, 198095, P.O.B. 140
tel: (812) 3630719, fax: (812) 3630720, mail: iap@ianin.spb.su

content: Valery D. Belenkov design: Banu S. Kuspanova layout: Anton V. Manoilov