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"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, Vol. 34, no. 2. ISSN 2312-2951

"NP" 2024 year Vol. 34 no. 2.,   ABSTRACTS


A. S. Berdnikov, S. V. Masyukevich, Yu. I. Khasin, M. I. Yavor


"Nauchnoe priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 3—16.

The article discusses the features of the Hamiltonian form of the dynamic equations as applied to problems of charged particles optics. Some non-obvious consequences arising from the Poincaré — Cartan integral invariant are analyzed. It is shown that Hamiltonian equations of motion can be used to describe the motion of charged particles in a local coordinate system accompanying the central trajectory, including the case where the length of the base trajectory is used as an independent variable.

Keywords: hamiltonian equations of motion, general problems of charged particle optics, aberration coefficients,
symplectic relations, analytical dynamics

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Berdnikov Aleksandr Sergeevich, asberd@yandex.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 24.10.2023

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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V. A. Lomovskoy, Y. V. Chugunov, S. A. Shatokhina


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 17—29.

The technique of investigation of internal friction spectra and temperature dependences of the frequency of free damped oscillatory process excited in samples of materials of different chemical nature, structure and structure is considered. On the basis of model representations of the generalized Maxwell's model the occurrence of local on temperature intervals peaks of dissipative losses, caused by the manifestation of mobility of elements of various structural-kinetic subsystems, forming in aggregate the whole system under study, is substantiated. Theoretical analysis and calculations of physical-chemical and physical-mechanical characteristics for each dissipative loss peak detected on the spectrum in a wide temperature range of studies are given.

Keywords: internal friction spectra, dissipative loss mechanisms, shear modulus defect, free damped oscillations,
phenomenological models

Author affiliation:

Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Shatokhina Svetlana Aleksandrovna, svetlanka.mazurina@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 10.10.2023

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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S. V. Biryukov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 30—43.

Electric field strength sensors are an integral part of measuring instruments and systems. Their correct choice determines the creation of devices and systems with high metrological characteristics. This paper examines a comparative analysis of known dual electric field strength sensors with overhead, composite and separate sensitive elements based on the phenomenon of electrostatic induction. The comparison involves technological and design parameters of dual sensors and their metrological characteristics. The complexity of the sensor measuring devices is also compared. All analyzed dual sensors have almost identical technological and design parameters. Dual sensors with attached sensitive elements have little complexity in terms of technological and design parameters. Dual sensors with composite sensing elements have slightly complex measuring devices. The strong difference between the analyzed dual sensors can be seen in their metrological characteristics. It has been established that dual sensors with separate SEs of the second version have the best metrological characteristics. Such sensors provide an error from field inhomogeneity not exceeding δ = ±0.9% and a maximum spatial measurement range of 0 < α < 1 with angular dimensions of the sensitive elements Θ11 = 35.6°, Θ21 = 90°, Θ12 = 0, Θ22  = 35.5°. Dual sensors with separate sensitive elements of the first design have an error not exceeding d  = ±2% and a maximum spatial measurement range of 0 < a < 1 with angular dimensions of the sensitive elements Θ11 = 40°, Θ21 = 90°, Θ12 = 0, Θ22 = 35.5°. Dual sensors with surface-mounted SEs of the first design and with composite SEs of the first design have almost identical parameters. Such sensors have a positive error from field inhomogeneity not exceeding δ = 4.6% and a maximum spatial measurement range of 0 < α < 0.92. It is noted that the metrological superiority of dual sensors with separate sensitive elements of the second version over other analyzed dual sensors, first of all, they should be given preference in use.

Keywords: electric field, electric field strength, electric field strength sensor, dual sensor, comparative analysis, error due to field inhomogeneity

Author affiliations:

Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia

Contacts: Biryukov Sergey Vladimirovich, sbiryukov154@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 28.01.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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D. V. Fomin, I. O. Sholygin, E. I. Zubko


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 44—53.

The paper considers the negative impact of the spacecraft's own atmosphere on its external devices and the manifestation of a less studied contamination phenomenon, which has no less harmful effects on the spacecraft's internal components and devices. The formed layers of contaminants with a thickness of only a few nanometers can significantly worsen the transmission characteristics of optical devices. Research the phenomenon of contamination, it is very important to determine the thickness of films of sublimated substances over time. The authors propose a device for studying the phenomenon of internal contamination. The operation of the proposed device is based on measuring the resonant oscillation frequencies of a crystal resonator acting as a sensor responding to changes in the mass of an increasing film of contaminants. The proposed device is promising for spacecraft, since the quartz resonators used in its base are resistant to vibration, and the module itself has small dimensions and weight, which makes it possible to place it on CubeSat standard spacecraft.

Keywords: internal contamination, films of contaminants, spacecraft, own external atmosphere, deposition of volatile compounds

Author affiliations:

Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk, Russia

Contacts: Fomin Dmitriy Vladimirovich, e-office@yandex.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 17.02.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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S. A. Kazakov1, M. A. Grevtsev1, I. E. Jagatspanyan2, A. O. Volchek2

(short message)

"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 54—57.

The article examines the kinetics of adsorption of reducing gases on the surface of metal oxide semiconductor gas-sensitive films of n-type conductivity. It is shown that their sensitivity is, to a first approximation, proportional to the concentration of the detected impurity. This work is a continuation of a previously published study that examined the chemisorption of oxidizing gases on the surface of an n-type semiconductor of conductivity.

Keywords: adsorption, surface, electrical conductivity, metal oxide semiconductor, concentration, defective structure

Author affiliations:

1Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of the RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2Scientific and Production Association PRIBOR, JSC, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Kazakov Sergey Alekseevich, kazakov59@mail.ioffe.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 11.03.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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D. A. Sandulyak, I. A. Solovev, V. A. Ershova, A. V. Sandulyak, A. A. Sandulyak


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 58—66.

For a specially obtained family dependencies (with different values of magnetizing field intensity H) of magnetic induction B in a dispersed (granulated) sample on its relative length λ in the range of λ = 1÷13, according to the methodology tested earlier, the criterion values of λ = [λ] were established. At this criterion the dependence B on λ reaches the automodel area ("plateau"), and therefore, the magnetic properties of the sample correspond to those of its material at λ ≥ [λ], when the sample demagnetizing factor is minimized. In the studied range of H = 14÷131 kA/m criterion value [λ] = 7.8÷4.9 and the obtained decreasing H-dependence of [λ] obeys the inverse power function with a power equals 0.2. According to data B (at λ ≥ [λ]) values of magnetic permeability μ of quasicontinious material of samples were obtained, as well as H-dependence of μ partially located (from H = 14 kA/m to H = 30÷35 kA/m) was obtained in the vicinity of extremum μ = 6 and then decreasing to μ = 3.5. Due to this dependence, including its established functional type (exponential at H ≥ 35 kA/m), the μ-dependence of [λ] was found – with variants of its functional legalization: first – on the basis of the mentioned power H-function of [λ] and second – by exponential function.

Keywords: ferromagnetic disperse material, relative length of sample, magnetic induction, automodel section, accommodate piecewise approximation

Author affiliations:

MIREA — Russian technological university, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Sandulyak Darya Alexandrovna, d.sandulyak@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 12.12.2023

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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E. V. Voloshchenko


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 67—76.

It is proposed to ensure the seaboard structure’s safeness by conducting the water volume’s multi-position monitoring of the coastal protective zone using hydroacoustic means, when the effects of nonlinear acoustics for designing antennas are used, in particular, self-action and interaction of ultrasonic pump waves.An analysis has been made of the use of hydroacoustic active location systems with receiver-emitting antenna devices of an original design, which are placed on the bottom of a shallow water area and used to detect surface and underwater objects, as well as remotely obtain information about hydro conditions at various points in the shelf’s water area. Calculated results of the hydroacoustic active location system’s energy range estimation in the parametric radiation mode and an analysis of the spatial characteristics of the considered antenna device’s modelare presented, which confirm the possibility of obtaining the claimed result.

Keywords: ultrasonic monitoring of shallow water volume, coastal protective zone, parametric transmitting array

Author affiliations:

Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia

Contacts: Voloshchenko Elizaveta Vadimovna, voloshchenko.liza@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 06.12.2023

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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N. A. Levdarovich1, Yu. S. Grechanaya2, A. S. Ivanov2, M. O. Gryaznova3,
E. A. Skverchinskaya
3, I. V. Mindukshev3, A. S. Bukatin1,4


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 77—94.

Laboratory rats are the preferred model for studying many socially significant diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (heart attack and hypertension), diabetes, and cancer. Considering red blood cells (RBCs) pathological processes lead to disturbances in their deformability, which causedeterioration in gas transport and changes in blood microreology. Recently, microfluidic devices have begun to be used to study the behavior of human RBCs in microcirculation conditions in vitro, which makes it possible to record, sort and study healthy and damaged cells. By microfluidic analysis pathological changes at the molecular and membrane levels were linked with modifications of cell shape and motion in fluid flow. In such devices it is possible to directly simulate the transport of RBCs in microcapillaries under blood microcirculation conditions and quantitatively analyze how different drugs affect it. In this work, we investigated how the topology and geometrical dimensions of the channels of a microfluidic device influence on the possibility to determin the average velocity of rat and human RBCs. This allowed us to quantitatively extimete the influence of oxidative stress on the RBCs transport and biophysical properties. Results obtained showed that the optimal design of a microfluidic device contained 16 parallel microchannels with dimensions of 2.2 × 8 × 200 micrometers. In such microchannels we accurately determined the speed of single RBCs of laboratory rats and humans, which moved under the microcirculation conditions, and identified the number of slow cells damaged by induced oxidative stress. The proposed method of simulation of blood microcirculation condition in a microfluidic device has a broad number of application, aimed to study the effects of oxidative stress on red blood cells of laboratory animals and humans, as well as to monitor the biophysical and functional properties of these cells in preclinical and clinical trials.

Keywords: microfluidic device, oxidative stress, red blood cells, blood microcirculation, microcapillar, laboratory rat

Author affiliations:

1Alferov National Research Academic University of the RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2Institute of Biomedical Systems and Biotechnologies, Higher School of Biomedical Systems and Technologies, Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University,
Saint Petersburg, Russia

3Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry of the RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
4Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Bukatin Anton Sergeevich, antbuk.fiztek@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 11.12.2023

Full text (In Russ.) >>


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D. V. Lisin


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 95—101.

One of the non-classical methods developed in IZMIRAN for combining the main and backup sets of control equipment on board the spacecraft, which provides the possibility of both autonomous and controlled by an additional external input system of the backup set, is considered. The main feature of the method is the possibility of direct electrical connection of the circuits of the main and backup sets of control equipment, that is, the absence of mechanical and electronic switching while maintaining a sufficiently high level of reliability of the system as a whole. The proposed approach has a main field of application in the creation of highly reliable control equipment for scientific and special purposes with non-standard interfaces for operation in outer space.

Keywords: space experiment, backup set

Author affiliations:

Pushkov Institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation (IZMIRAN),
Troitsk, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Lisin Dmitrij Valer'evich, lisindv@izmiran.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 26.01.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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  2. Kuznetsov V.D., Lisin D.V. [Possibilities of usage of IZMIRAN ground station for telemetry and control of geophysical monitoring satellites]. Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa [Current problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space], 2010, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 232—234. (In Russ.). URL: http://jr.rse.cosmos.ru/article.aspx?id=806
  3. Stepanov A.I., Lisin D.V., Kuznetsov V.D., Afanas'ev A.N., Osin A.I., Schwarz J. On-board and ground-based complexes for operating the science payload of the CORONAS-F Space Mission. Kuznetsov V.D., editor. The Coronas-F Space Mission, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014, pp. 457—464. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-39268-9_18

E. V. Voloshchenko


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 102—111.

The possibility of the operational characteristics changing for the multicomponent pump signal’s parametric transmitting array (PTA), in particular, to increasing the energy potential on the emerging low-frequency signals of multiple frequencies with a constant width of the main lobe of the directivity pattern (DP), are considered. This is achieved by using phased spectral components located in the passband of the emitting electroacoustic transducer as a pumping signal, and the difference in their frequencies determines the composition of the polyharmonic low-frequency signal generated in the aquatic medium. This method of generating PTA makes it possible to increase the efficiency of generating probe signals specifically in the long-wavelength range, which is important when measuring the parameters of the movement of a layered marine medium. Features of the formation for the difference frequency wave’s (DFW) broadband radiation allows the use of "virtual" PTA in a new ability – as a tool for indirect estimation of the sea surface’s roughness degree for the sea surface when measuring hydroconditions in coastal waters.

Keywords: parametric transmitting array, hydroacoustic monitoring

Author affiliations:

Southern Federal University, Taganrog, Russia

Contacts: Voloshchenko Elizaveta Vadimovna, voloshchenko.liza@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 03.03.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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A. A. Gavrishev1, D. L. Osipov2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2024, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 112—120.

The analysis of the use of sequences of ultra-wideband signals (UWB) formed on the basis of BPSK modulation to ensure the secrecy and reliability of data transmission in radio communication systems is carried out. Their properties were evaluated using BDS-statistics and peak factor indicators. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that for the selected research conditions, the UWB sequences based on the solution of the Euler — Lagrange equation, characterized by greater the secrecy from an outside observer than other studied UWB sequences, are generally suitable. It is also shown that all the studied UWB sequences have an acceptable peak factor value. It is noted that the UWB sequences based on widely used pulses, for example, Gauss monocycles, as well as standardized radio communication systems, do not fully ensure the secrecy of data transmission in radio communication systems, therefore it is impractical to use them in UWB radio communication systems with high requirements for ensuring the secrecyof data transmission. The conducted research has made it possible to supplement knowledge about the UWB sequences to ensure covert and reliable data transmission in radio communication systems.

Keywords: UWB, communication systems, secrecy, reliability

Author affiliations:

1NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
2NCFU, Stavropol, Russia

Contacts: Gavrishev Aleksej Andreevich, alexxx.2008@inbox.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 21.02.2024

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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content: Valery D. Belenkov design: Banu S. Kuspanova layout: Anton V. Manoilov