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"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, Vol. 32, no. 1. ISSN 2312-2951, DOI: 10.18358/np-32-1-e107

"NP" 2022 year Vol. 32 no. 1.,   ABSTRACTS


A. G. Borodinov, V. V. Manoilov, I. V. Zarutskiy, A. I. Petrov, V. E. Kurochkin


"Nauchnoe priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 3—10.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i310

Counting the occurrence of different k-mers often causes problems of genome assembly. Analysis of the frequency distribution of k-mers makes it possible to find assembly errors in already formed contigs. Currently, in connection with the development of instrumentation for genetic analysis, there is an urgent need to develop methods for assessing the quality of genomic assembly. Such techniques will make it possible to assess the reliability of genetic analysis in existing and newly developed devices. In this work, based on the analysis of various software tools, selected programs allow assessing the quality of genomic assembly in parallel sequencing sequencers. Using the selected programs, the data obtained on the domestic sequencer for parallel sequencing Nanofor SPS were processed. Based on the results of processing these data, the quality of the genomic assembly was assessed by the method of analysis of k-mers and recommendations were given for improving the hardware and software of the Nanofor SPS device.

Keywords: k-mers, NGS, bioinformatics, genome assembly

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Borodinov Andrey Gennad'evich, borodinov@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 30.12.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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I. B. Ptitsyna


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 11—20.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i1120

The history of artifacts (human-made objects) is as great as the history of mankind. Among the wide variety of artifacts, tools occupied an important place from the very beginning and, somewhat later, instruments. The development of society has always been accompanied by the need to increase the capabilities of these artifacts and their complications. All artifacts of this kind are extrasomatic organs – addition to bodily and mental organs – are tools created to increase the ability to solve certain problems. With the development of technology, their capabilities have become so great that the question has arisen whether they exceed the capabilities of the human brain. This question is especially relevant for these kinds of tools that are created to assist the brain – self-learning computer programs of artificial intelligence. To understand this, one needs to turn to the origins of science, back to the day when the foundations of methodology and general principles for obtaining a mental product were laid. This result has a peculiarity: it is often perceived anthropomorphically, transferring the properties of the experimenter to the result of his activity. This is especially true for complex devices and instruments. The article shows the nature of the relationship between a person and an instrument as his artificial extrasomatic organ.

Keywords: device, instrument, artifact, extrasomatic organ, artificial intelligence, methodology, model, anthropomorphism, mythologization of science

Author affiliation:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Ptitsyna Irina Borisovna, ptiirina@yandex.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 23.12.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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D. N. Spirjakin, A. M. Baranov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 21—34.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i2134

Catalytic gas sensors are among the most widely used for measuring concentrations of combustible gases. However, in spite of the variety of advantages of this type of sensors, there are disadvantages. One of them is a low selectivity to target combustible gases. This paper presents results of a machine learning methods application to identification of combustible gases in air by catalytic gas sensors. Sensor signal measurements were performed using the multistage measuring pulse method, which was described in our previous papers. To enrich the sensor signal with information about environment gas composition, the number of stages of the method were drastically increased. The target gases used were methane and vapors of acetone, ethanol and gasoline. The multivariable data was processed with the support vector machine method. The results show, that the proposed method is able to identify gases using single catalytic gas sensor. The method can be used in development of highly selective gas detectors respond only to target gases.

Keywords: combustible gases and vapors, gas sensors, catalytic sensor, gases identification

Author affiliations:

Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia

Contacts: Spirjakin Denis Nikolaevich, denis.spirjakin@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 07.12.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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V. A. Talipov1, A. M. Baranov2, I. I. Ivanov2, S. M. Mironov1


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 35—47.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i 3547

The adaptation of known measurement techniques for selective low-temperature measurement of hydrogen concentration in the composition of multicomponent combustible gas mixtures and their practical application in gas analytical technology has been carried out. The proposed approach makes it possible to measure the hydrogen concentration in both hydrogen-hydrocarbon mixtures and hydrogen-air mixtures in a wide temperature range from 20 to 200 °C. The method of measuring the amount of heat released during the combustion of a known volume of hydrogen has been proved to be more accurate than the traditional method of detecting hydrogen concentration by measuring the response of a catalytic sensor.

Keywords: measurement of hydrogen concentration, catalytic sensor, selectivity, sensitivity, thermocatalysis, combustible gases

Author affiliations:

1Scientific and Technical Center for Gas Sensing Sensors named after E.F. Karpov, Lyubertsy, Russia
2Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia

Contacts: Talipov Vladislav Andreevich, vt174@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 17.11.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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D. A . Goryachkin, A . Yu. Rodionov, E . N. Sosnov, V. I. Kuprenyuk


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 48—55.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i4855

The most important parameters of a solid state laser for scientific and technological applications are the high brightness and small angular divergence of the output radiation. This series of two papers highlights the method of numerical optimization of the laser resonator based on a commercial head with compensation of the induced thermal lens. Experimental verification of the method was carried out. In a 1500 mm long resonator, compensation is achieved by inserting negative and positive correcting lenses into the resonator, resulting in output radiation in the form of a Gaussian beam with a small angular divergence, suitable for scientific research.

Keywords: laserhead, induced thermallens, Gaussian beam, correcting lens, aperture diaphragm

Author affiliations:

The Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Goryachkin Dmitry Alekseevich, d.goryachkin@rtc.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 17.11.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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A. Yu. Rodionov, D. A . Goryachkin, E. N. Sosnov, V. I. Kuprenyuk


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 56—67.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i5667

The most important parameters of a solid state laser for scientific and technological applications are the high brightness and small angular divergence of the output radiation. This series of two papers concerns the method of numerical optimization of the laser resonator based on a commercial head with compensation of the induced internal thermal lens. Experimentation is also used to verify optimization. The method uses quasigeometrical optics to calculate focal lenghts of correcting lenses and their position in the resonator based on the measured parameters of the thermal lens and the required parameters of the output laser beam, with subsequent diffraction refining.

Keywords: laser head, induced thermal lens, Gaussian beam, correcting lens, aperture stop

Author affiliations:

The Russian State Scientific Center for Robotics and Technical Cybernetics (RTC), Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Goryachkin Dmitry Alekseevich, d.goryachkin@rtc.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 17.11.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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I. F. Spivak-Lavrov1, O. A. B aisanov2, S. U. S haripov1, T. Zh. Shugaeva1


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 68—76.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i6876

The behavior of a beam of charged particles formed by a point source located in the middle plane of the mirror is considered. The calculation of the trajectories of particles was carried out by numerical integration of dimensionless Newton equations. The electrostatic field of the three-electrode mirror was described by an analytical expression for the potential with good accuracy. It is shown that as a result of reflection in a three-electrode transaxial mirror, it is possible to achieve both spatial and energy time-of-flight focusing. Two modes of vertical beam focusing are considered.

Keywords: charged particle, transaxial electrostatic mirror, dimensionless Newton equations, telescopic system, scalar potential, trajectory of particles

Author affiliations:

1K. Zhubanov Aktobe Regional University, Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan
2T. Begeldinov Military Institute of the Air Defence Forces, Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan

Contacts: Spivak-Lavrov Igor' Feliksovich, spivakif@rambler.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 16.11.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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T. V. Osipova, A. M. Baranov, I. I. Ivanov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 77—92.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-1-i7792

In this article the study of the possibility and evaluation of the use of the principal component analisys as an alternative algorithm for processing data of thermocatalytic sensors is carried out. Based on the obtained results it was found that the effect of the sensor's operating temperature on the response is minimal, which makes it possible to combine them into a single system. At the same time the different concentration of the supplied gas is uniquely determined. The research methodology is defined and the results are presented, showing that the principal component analysis makes it possible to distinguish sensor responses at different concentrations without using additional mathematical operations to prepare the obtained data.

Keywords: thermocatalytic sensor, methane, data processing, principal component analisys, gas detection

Author affiliations:

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Osipova Tatiana Vladislavovna, t.osipova.95@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 02.02.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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content: Valery D. Belenkov design: Banu S. Kuspanova layout: Anton V. Manoilov