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"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, Vol. 32, no. 3. ISSN 2312-2951, DOI: 10.18358/np-32-3-e109

"NP" 2022 year Vol. 32 no. 3.,   ABSTRACTS


A. N. Zubik, G. E. Rudnitskaya, A. A. Evstrapov, T. A. Lukashenko


"Nauchnoe priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 3—29.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-3-i329

The review presents the classification of point-of-care (POC) devices, and discusses the main characteristics of the devices and the requirements for them. The differences between the POC testing method and the laboratory method of analysis are considered. Examples of devices that fit the definition of POC for diagnosing infectious diseases are given.

Keywords: point-of-care (POC), lab-on-chip (LOC), lab-on-a-disc (LOAD), microfluidics, microfluidic chip,
dip stick, lateral flow assay (LFA) test strip, microfluidic paper analytical device (µPAD)

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Zubik Aleksandra Nikolaevna, tunix@yandex.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 04.07.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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V. I. Matveev


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 30—40.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-3-i3040

The 20th Anniversary International Exhibition of Laboratory Equipment and Chemical Reagents was held in Moscow on April 19—22, 2022. Participants demonstrated laboratory equipment, chemical reagents, laboratory furniture, laboratory utensils, laboratory automation tools, biotechnology and measuring equipment (spectrometers, particle size analyzers, density meters, pH meters, oximeters, ionomers, etc.).

Keywords: exhibition, laboratory equipment, chemical reagents, control and measuring equipment, automation tools

Author affiliation:

Scientific Research Institute of Introscopy of MNPO Spektrum, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Matveev Vladimir Ivanovich, v.matveev98@yandex.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 12.05.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>

E. V. Lutschekina


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 41—58.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-3-i4158

The conditions for achieving the objectives of the scientific and technological development of Russia are determined. A brief analysis of organizations conducting research and development has been carried out. Based on the data of state statistics, an analysis was made of the trends in the development of the instrumentation of scientific organizations engaged in research and development in 2017—2020. The problems arising during the implementation of equipment upgrade tasks in the conditions of economic sanctions are stated. Possible solutions to these problems are proposed. It is noted that the restoration of domestic scientific instrumentation is one of the main conditions for updating the research equipment of scientific organizations.

Keywords: research and development (R&D), instrumentation, scientific devices and equipment

Author affiliations:

Institute for study of science of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISS RAS), Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Lutschekina Elena Vasil'evna, E.Lutschekina@issras.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 15.06.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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Krasnov N.V.1, Kurnin I.V.1, Arseniev A.N.1, Cherepanov A.G.2, Krasnov M.N.3


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 59—74.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-3-i5974

The properties of the ion flow have been experimentally determined depending on the parameters of a gridless two-electrode ion shutter and the conditions of ion transport in the drift tube. The transverse structure of the ion flow in the plane of the collector is investigated using a collector consisting of concentric rings. The resulting ion current distributions have a radial structure that varies depending on experimental conditions. Theoretical estimates are given to take into account the degree of influence of the space charge on the transverse dimensions of the ion beam in the drift field. The agreement of experimental and theoretical results allows one to conclude that the observed phenomena are caused by a space charge.

Keywords: gridless two-electrode ion shutter, ion transport at atmospheric pressure, ion mobility spectrometer, space charge

Author affiliations:

1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, Saint Petersburg, Russia
3Device Consulting Ltd., Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Krasnov Nikolay Vasil'evich, krasnov@alpha-ms.com
Article received by the editorial office on 11.07.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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S. I. Tarasov, N. V. Gerling


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 75—103.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-3-i75103

Currently, the study of gas exchange in leaves and even entire plants is not difficult. Measurement of gas exchange parameters is, as a rule, carried out using infrared gas analyzers integrated with open gas exchange systems. The measured parameter values are used to evaluate and calculate the physiological processes of interest to the investigator, such as, for example, the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide by the plant during photosynthesis or the rate of release of water vapors during transpiration. In the scientific literature on plant physiology, the error of the result of measuring physiological parameters is given without taking into account the instrumental error, the contribution of which to the total error can be significant, since the physiological parameters of interest to the researcher are mostly indirectly measurable values. This work is devoted to the study of the influence of the error of measuring the parameters of gas exchange of plants obtained using open gas exchange systems on the error of the estimated physiological parameters. The work analyzes equations that are used to estimate the rate of absorption of carbon dioxide and the release of water vapors based on the gas exchange parameters of the plant and are actually standard for open gas exchange systems; issues related to the release of carbon dioxide from the plant in the form of gas during respiratory processes in the light are also considered. An evaluation of instrumental error of carbon dioxide absorption rate measurement during photosynthesis for open gas exchange systems is given.

Keywords: open gas exchange systems, infrared gas analyzer, instrument error, carbon dioxide absorption rate,
mass balance equation

Author affiliations:

Institute of Biology of the Komi Scientific Center Ural Branch of the RAS, Syktyvkar, Russia

Contacts: Gerling Natal'ya Vladimirovna, gerling@ib.komisc.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 03.06.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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A. O. Gorelov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 104—116.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-3-i104116

The paper analyzes the factors affecting the process of 3D printing using fused deposition modeling (FDM) and examines the possibilities of improving the surface quality by reducing the surface stair stepping of the manufactured product. It also describes a mathematical framework for assessing the orientation of the model in the working area of a 3D printer, which will optimize the process of layer-by-layer deposition during 3D printing and expand the scope of this technology.

Keywords: 3D printing, mathematical apparatus, thermoplastic deposition technology, surface quality

Author affiliations:

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Gorelov Andrei Olegovich, 2652045@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 05.07.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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S. V. Vantsov, F. V. Vasiliev, O. V. Khomutskaya


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2022, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 117—128.
doi: 10.18358/np-32-3-i117128

The modern definition allows us to interpret the technological process as a complex system in interaction with the components of the environment, which leads to a beneficial effect. From this point of view, the technological process is subject to the general rules of control theory, thanks to which the principles and algorithms used in this theory can be adapted and extended to the control of technological processes. It is noted, however, that the main difference between the technological process and traditional control objects is the constant irresistible and degradative change in its characteristics over time.
The article shows the possibility of transition from process control in the statistical sense to control in terms of the actual state, i.e. to real-time process control. The concept of functional controllability of technological processes is introduced. An analysis of the generalized block diagram of the technological process control system as a technically complex system is given. The formalization of the goals of technological process control is given, which makes it possible to form further control tasks and typical control schemes for specific technological operations. It is demonstrated that these theoretical guidelines play a crucial role in the current shift from analog to digital control of technological processes.

Keywords: technological process, reliability, production digitalization, production management systems,
industry 4.0

Author affiliations:

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russian Federation

Contacts: Khomutskaya Olga Vladislavovna, khomutskayaov@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 09.06.2022

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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content: Valery D. Belenkov design: Banu S. Kuspanova layout: Anton V. Manoilov