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"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, Vol. 27, no. 1. ISSN 2312-2951, DOI: 10.18358/np-27-1-941

"NP" 2017 year Vol. 27 no. 1.,   ABSTRACTS


W. V. Lundin, E. E. Zavarin, A. V. Sakharov, A. F. Tsatsulnikov, V. M. Ustinov


"Nauchnoe priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 5—9.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i59

An analysis of the current situation on the market of III-N MOVPE equipment shows a lack of state-of-the-arts reactors of low-and moderate capacity. Our solution a compact horizontal flow reactor for one 100 mm wafer is presented in the paper. The reactor allows fast growth in the pressure range of 100—1600 mbar which results in a few times reduction of the duration of HEMT and LED epitaxial processes on sapphire and SiC substrates keeping high wafer uniformity. In addition to standard III-N materials and heterostructures deposition of Si3N4 and graphene layers, growth of GaN on graphene, doping with carbon from propane, and selective growth of highly-doped contact regions were demonstrated using the developed reactor.

Keywords: III-N, MOVPE, technological equipment, LED, HEMT

Author affiliations:

Scientific and Technological Center for Microelectronics and Submicron Heterosctructures of the RAS,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Ioffe Physical Technical Institute of the RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Lundin Wsevolod Vladimirovich, lundin.vpegroup@mail.ioffe.ru
Article received in edition: 12.01.2017
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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  7. Lundin W.V., Zavarin E.E., Popov M.G., Troshkov S.I., Saharov A.V., Smirnova I.P., Kulagina M.M., Davydov V.Yu., Smirnov A.N., Tsatsulnikov A.F. The influence of growth conditions on the surface morphology and development of mechanical stresses in Al(Ga)N layers during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. Technical Physics Letters, 2016, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 431—434.
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  8. Lundin W.V., Zavarin E.E., Sakharov A.V., Davydov V.Yu., Smirnov A.N., Zakheim D.A., Markov L.K., Brunkov P.N., Yagovkina M.A., Lundina E.Yu., Tsatsulnikov A.F. Growth of III-N graphene heterostructures in single OVPE MOVPE epitaxial process. Proc . of IC MOVPE XVIII , San Diego, California, July 10—15, 2016.

S. Kh. Karaevsky1, S. I. Potashev1, Yu. M. Burmistrov1, A. I. Drachev2, A. A. Afonin1, V. I. Razin1


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 10—18.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i1018

Two dimension slow neutron detector on base of gaseous chamber with active boron-10 layer of area (120 × 120) mm2 is created and many boron-10 layer detector of area (380 × 380) mm2 is proposed. Effect to background ratio is less than 10—5. Experimental pulse height resolution is equal 15 %, position resolution is approximately 2.5 mm. Efficiency for detector of ten boron-10 layers is evaluated as 41 % (λ~1.82 Å) and 62 % (λ~8 Å).

Keywords: detector, neutron, boron-10, two-dimentional, gaseous

Author affiliations:

1Institute for Nuclear Research of RAS, Moscow, Russia
2The State Scientific Center of RF "State Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Organoelement Compounds" of the RF Ministry for Industry and Trade, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Karaevsky Sergey Kharitonovich, karaevsk@inr.ru
Article received in edition: 13.01.2017
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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E. I. Demikhov, V. V. Lysenko, E. A. Kostrov, T. E. Demikhov, A. S. Rybakov, A. V. Bagdinov, Yu. A. Tysjachnykh, M. M. Konstantinov, G. M. Pistrak, B. A. Shumm, V. Tarasov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 19—23.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i1923

The first-in-Russia 1.5 MRI system for high precision medical diagnostics is developed and manufactured. It is based on own 1.5 T superconducting magnet with warm bore 90 cm built in cooperation between FIAN and Russian RTI company (Moscow). The field homogeneity is about 2 ppm in 40 cm sphere; the magnet field stability is 0.01 ppm/h which equals the standard value of the class MRI systems. MRI allows to obtain images of the layers in the 3 main planes – axial, sagittal and frontal – as well as on inclined planes with an inclination of up to 45°. The minimum thickness of the section plane in 2D mode is not more than 2 mm, in 3D mode – no more than 0.5 mm. Spatial resolution in the image plane at a thickness of 5 mm layer structure allows to distinguish with the linear dimensions no more than 0.4 mm. The technical documentation is ready for production.

Keywords: superconducting coils, high magnet fields, MRI systems, cryogenic

Author affiliations:

Lebedev Physical Institute RAS, Moscow

Contacts: Rybakov Aleksandr Sergeevich, alecksandr@bk.ru
Article received in edition: 24.11.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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S. V. Anisimov, K. V. Aphinogenov, A. V. Guriev


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 24—28.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i2428

An atmospheric boundary layer electricity investigation involves long-term geophysical and meteorological observations, including air electric conductivity, atmospheric electrical field strength, aerosol particles concentration and radon (222Rn) volume activity altitude profiles measurement. A prototype of the helium-filled balloon platform for altitude aeroelectrical profiles observations was developed and manufactured in Borok Geophysical Observatory. The platform is equipped with unique scientific equipment for measurement of atmospheric electrical field strength, polar air electrical conductivities, radon volume activity and aerosol particles concentration. A number of methodical and structural problems associated with atmospheric boundary layer investigations equipment development and manufacturing were success fully solved.

Keywords: atmospheric electric field, atmospheric electric conductivity, atmospheric boundary layer, balloon field observations, electrometry, radiometry, aerosols, light ions

Author affiliations:

Borok Geophysical Observatory of Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of RAS,
Yaroslavsky Reg., Russia

Contacts: Afinogenov Konstantin Viktorovich, aphin@borok.yar.ru
Article received in edition: 17.01.2017
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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V. B. Dubovskoi, V. I. Leontyev, A. V. Sbitnev, V. G. Zhilnikov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 29—34.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i2934

A number of original research of IPE RAS in the field of graviinertial and strainmeter changes. Prototypes of these developments have been successfully used to measure the gravitational field, inclinations and deformations of the earth's crust in solving a wide range of fundamental and applied problems of geophysics and geodynamics.

Keywords: accelerometer, deformation monitoring, gravimeter, microleveling, borehole inclinometer

Author affiliations:

Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the RAS, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Dubovskoi Vladimir Borisovich, dubovskoi@yandex.ru
Article received in edition: 29.12.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


  1. Nikolaev A.V., Bashilov I.P., Shou K.J., Svalova V.B., Manukin A.B., Zubko Yu.N., Bechterev S.V., Kazanzeva O.S., Rebrov V.I., Volosov S.G., Korolev S.A. [Seismo-straining monitoring of ecologically dangerous objects and natural hazards]. Monitoring. Nauka i technologii [Monitoring. Science and technologies], 2011, no. 2, pp. 6—18. (In Russ.).
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S. I. Sergeev, S. A. Korolyov, S. A. Volosov, O. P. Kuznetsov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 35—39.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i3539

This paper describes a further development of the Mikhnevo small-aperture seismic array of IDG RAS for new seismological studies including seismic event detection with real time cross-correlation analysis, detailed research of seismogenic zones with low seismic emission, development of always-on automated seismic monitoring system for critical infrastructure facilities, automated real time frequency-wavenumber-analysis. The new SSD-3 seismic digitizer is presented in this paper has been developing specially for small aperture seismic arrays. This 24-bit digitizer has 3 differential inputs and provides high precision time synchronization of data acquisition needed for coherency of small aperture seismic array. The algorithm of automated full featured seismic data processing system for the Mikhnevo small-aperture seismic array are also describing. This algorithm combines different types of detection, identification and location of seismic events including frequency-wavenumber-analysis, phase association and cross-correlation analysis. It also provides real time transmission with de facto world standard Seedlink protocol.

Keywords: small-aperture seismic array, coherent seismic array, Mikhnevo, earthquake, computer-aided system, seismic digitizer, seismic trace stacking, cross-correlation analysis

Author affiliations:

Institute of Geosphere Dynamics of RAS (IDG RAS), Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Sergeev Sergey Il'ich, sergio68moscow@live.ru
Article received in edition: 15.12.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


  1. Volosov S.G., Korolyov S.A., Soldatenkov A.M. [System of synchronization of records of stations of the low-aperture seismic antenna "Mikhnevo"]. Sejsmicheskie pribory [Seismic instruments], 2012, vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 26—34. (In Russ.).
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K. V. Kislov1, V. V. Gravirov1,2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 40—45.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i4045

The train speeds and general load of the railways will be increasing in the future. This is caused by Railway Transport Development Strategy of the Russian Federation. Hence the earthquakes hazard also is increasing. Early warning system is one of the most effective instruments to reduce damage from earthquakes. It allows taking automatically action to protect railway objects and life of people. Also it takes into account the possibility of a rapid estimation of damage. This is necessary for effectiveness of rescue and repair activities. Specifics of such system in our country require development new algorithmic and software solutions. It is required to create minimum sufficient configuration with a possibility of further modernization and integration into regional warning systems. Results of development individual components of system, including the general ideology of its construction are presented.

Keywords: early warning system, railways, seismic monitoring, detection of the signal, man-made noise

Author affiliations:

1Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory and Mathematical Geophysics (IEPT RAS), Moscow, Russia
2Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPE RAS), Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Gravirov Valentin Valentinovich, gravirov@rambler.ru
Article received in edition: 10.11.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


  1. Strategiya razvitiya zheleznodorozhnogo transporta v Rossijskoj Federacii do 2030 goda [The strategy of development of railway transport in the Russian Federation till 2030. Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 6/17/2008 No. 877-r]. (In Russ.).
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  3. Nakamura Y., Saita J. UrEDAS, the earthquake warning system: today and tomorrow. Earthquake Early Warning Systems. P. Gasparini, G. Manfredi, J. Zschau (eds.), Berlin, Heidelberg, Springer, 2007, pp. 249—281. Doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-72241-0.
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  5. Kislov K.V., Gravirov V.V., Novikova O.V. [The early warning of earthquakes and other natural and technogenic disasters for Russia]. Problemy prognozirovaniya chrezvychajnyh situacij: Doklady i vystupleniya XIII Nauchno-prakticheskoj konfirencii [Proceedings of the XIII Scientific and practical conference: Problems of forecasting of emergency situations]. Moscow, 2014, pp. 309—316. (In Russ.).
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V. I. Osika1, B. M. Kochetkov2, E. I. Pavlov3, I. P. Kachan3


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 46—52.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i4652

The paper presents the results of scientific cooperation with the Institute and small businesses in order to develop a perspective instrument for facility deformation monitoring. The equipment has passed long-term tests for hydropower facilities, mining enterprises and civil construction projects. The report provides a description of the devices and examples of their application results.

Keywords: inclinometer, deformometer

Author affiliations:

1Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of RAS, Moscow, Russia
2Limited liability company "Petrol-spring", Tula, Russia
3Science Park MSU, Limited liability company "Optical measuring systems", Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Kachan Irina Petrovna, i.p.kachan@gmail.com
Article received in edition: 13.01.2017
Full text (In Russ.) >>


  1. Pashkin E.M., Bagmet A.L., Osika V.I., Novak Yu.V., Suchov A.A. [Monitoring of deformations as basis of safe operation of buildings and constructions]. Inzhenernaya geologiya [Engineering geology], Moscow, 2008, no. 3, pp. 40—50. (In Russ.).
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  3. Kochetkov B.M., Molodenskiy S.M., Osika V.I., Osika I.V. [Inclination measuring and straining monitoring on pumped storage power plants]. Georisk [Geological risk], 2009, no. 1, pp. 22—28. (In Russ.).
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V. I. Osika, V. A. Pchelintsev


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 53—56.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i5356

Data on devices for measurements of a profile of a mirror disk of a thrust bearing and the bias of a shaft of hydrounits are provided in article. Development of Institute of Physics of Earth of the Russian Academy of Sciences passed long-term tests at the Zagorsk hydroheat-sink power plant during planned repairs and technical inspections of rotors of hydrounits. Short data on devices and examples of results of their application are provided in the present article.

Keywords: hydroelectric power station, hydrounit, shaft bias, disk, surface profile

Author affiliations:

Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth of RAS, Moscow, Russia

Contacts: Osika Viktor Ivanovich, osika@ifz.ru
Article received in edition: 16.01.2017
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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  2. Pchelinzev V.A., Osika V.I. Ustroystvo dlya izmereniya ugla naklona valov gidroagregatov [The device for measurement of a slope angle of shaft of hydrounits]. Russian Federation patent No. 2569945, 02.09.2014.
  3. Bechterev S.V., Osika V.I., Pchelinzev V.A. [Metering devices for instrumental inspection of a step bearing and shaft of hydrounits]. Gidrotechnicheskoe stroitel'stvo [Hydrotechnical construction], 2008, no. 6, pp. 12—18. (In Russ.).

A. N. Arseniev1, N. V. Krasnov1, M. Z. Muradymov1, M. N. Krasnov2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 57—65.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i5765

The paper presents experimental results for determining capabilities ion drift spectrometer with electrospray ion source with field desorption ion from solution under dynamic flow dividing the analyzed liquid at atmospheric pressure and normal conditions. As used researched objects aqueous acetonitrile solutions of salts of alkali metals and alloying. A comparison with serial devices capillary electrophoresis "Capel" series. The studies were conducted on the prototype analytical complex ES-IDS (electrospray ion source – ion drift spectrometer), developed at the request of FMBA of Russia under the Federal Target Program "National System of chemical and biological safety of the Russian Federation (2009—2014)".

Keywords: ion mobility spectrometer, alkali metals, alloying metals, electrospray liquid

Author affiliations:

1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2Ltd "Grant Instrument", Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Krasnov Nikolay Vasil'evich, krasnov@alpha-ms.com
Article received in edition: 12.12.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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  12. Arseniev A.N., Alekseev D.N., Belchen G.V., Gavrik M.A., Krasnov N.V., Koryakin P.S., Krasnov I.A., Kurnin I.V., Myaldzin Sh.U., Muradymov M.Z., Monakov A.G., Pavlov V.G., Zvereva A.V., Nikitina S.N., Podolskaya E.P., Prisyach S.S., Semenov S.Yu., Krasnov M.N., Samokish A.V. [Spectroscopy of peptides, proteins and oligonukleotides from solutions by ion mobility]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2015, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 17—26. (In Russ.). Doi: 10.18358/np-25-1-i1726.
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A. V. Grebenyuk1, S. M. Irkaev1, V. V. Panchuk1,2, V. G. Semenov1,2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 66—71.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i6671

The article is devoted to the development of methodical recommendations for selection of the optimum geometric conditions in the Mössbauer experiment. These conditions allow user to get the spectrum with the largest aperture ratio and with minimal distortion of spectral lines.
Mössbauer spectra of α-Fe with different collimation of gamma-ray beam were simulated. For this purpose we calculated the transmission integral taking into account geometrical parameters. Analysis the dependence of distortion spectral lines on the resonant velocity was done. The basic requirements for the geometrical conditions of the experiment were presented. We calculated the dependence of the critical angle divergence from the line position in the Mössbauer spectrum. This angle provides that the shift of lines and their widths don’t exceed 10% of natural width. The obtained dependence allows the experimenter to select geometrical conditions that don’t lead to a significant distortion of the spectral lines. These conditions are required for use in Mossbauer spectroscopy for qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Keywords: Mössbauerov spectroscopy, Doppler shift, divergence of a gamma radiation, gamma radiation collimation, cosine effect, hyperfine

Author affiliations:

1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2Saint-Petersburg State University, Institute of Chemistry, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Grebenyuk Andrey Vladimirovich, yax-light@yandex.ru
Article received in edition: 16.11.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


  1. Gor'kov V.P., Mitrofanov K.P. [Dependence of parameters of a Mössbauer range on geometrical experimental conditions]. Nekotorye voprosy avtomatizirovannoj obrabotki i interpretacii fizicheskogo ehksperimenta [Some questions of the automated processing and interpretation of a physical experiment], Moscow, Moscow University press, 1973, vol. 1, pp. 71—87. (In Russ.).
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A. I. Zhernovoy, Yu. V. Ulashkevich, S. V. Diachenko


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 72—76.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i7276

The linear character of IR spectra of magnetic liquid in a magnetic field showed that magnetic moment P values of single-domain ferromagnetic nanoparticles are discrete. Using the distance between lines of spectra, that have been got under magnetic induction values of 0.08 and 0.03 T, magnetic moment’s discrete steps were determined. Their values are: ΔP = 0.66·10–19 and 0.97·10–19 A·m2. It was suggested, that discreteness P has been caused by quantification of nanoparticle from magnetic flow Φ. Supposing that nanoparticle’s link between P and Φ is similar to solenoid’s: Φ = (Pµ0 / L), where L – solenoid’s length, the effective length of magnetic flow’s quant is: Lf = (∆Pµ0 / f) ≈ a0, where f = 2·10–15 Wb — quant of magnetic flow, a0 ≈ 0.5·10–10 m — Bohr radius. The less the induction of field is, the more quant’s length is.

Keywords: single-domain ferromagnetic nanoparticles, magnetic moment, magnetic flow, the quantum of magnetic flow

Author affiliations:

Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology (Technical University), Russia

Contacts: Zhernovoy Aleksandr Ivanovich , azhspb@rambler.ru
Article received in edition: 21.11.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


  1. Zhernovoy A.I., Ulashkevich Yu.V., Diyachenko S.V. [Magnetic fluid in magnetic field infrared absorbtion spectra investigation]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2016, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 60—63. Doi: 10.18358/np-26-2-i6063. (In Russ.).
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D. V. Dvortsov, V. A. Parfenov


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 77—82.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i7782

Multimode lasing regime of red laser diodes with Fabry–Perot resonator (FP-laser diodes) is considered in the paper. This regime is usual between the areas of single-frequency generation and it is not acceptable for many practical applications. Interest in this issue is associated with the possibility to determine the boundaries of the single-frequency generation regime. It is shown that multimode regime can be realized in differently for different types of lasers. It is found that there are at least two different types of realization of multimode generation. In one case there was a switching of two competing longitudinal modes, in the other case – switching of three modes. Short-time switches of generating mode with following return of lasing regime may occur for a short (about 1 µs) time at almost steady single frequency regime.

Keywords: laser diode, semiconductor laser, single-frequency mode of operation, single longitudinal mode, multimode lasing

Author affiliations:

Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia

Contacts: Parfenov Vladimir Aleksandrovich, ppparfen@mail.ru
Article received in edition: 2.12.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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D. A. Belov1, Yu. V. Belov1, V. V. Manoylov1,2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 83—89.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i8389

The conditions and parameters of the implementation of the DNA melting techniques were chosen. There were developed the DNA melting data processing techniques with advanced models based on sigmoidal nonlinear function and its derivative, a model based on a Gaussian function, a model based on power polynomials of degree 3 and 7. The comparison of the results of the application of techniques for processing real data of 8 samples received on the device ANK-32 was carried out. An algorithm for computing the full automation in MATLAB software environment was developed. The possibility of the separation of systematic and random error are shown. Developed techniques used to determine the temperature unevenness in nucleic acid analyzer tubes.

Keywords: DNA, the nucleic acid analyzer, melting techniques, uneven temperature tubes

Author affiliations:

1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
2ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Belov Dmitriy Anatol'evich, onoff_10@mail.ru
Article received in edition: 12.01.2017
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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S. I. Shevchenko


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 90—101.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i90101

By numerical simulation the distribution of electrons on the surface of the cylinder containing the output aperture for schemes axele-ring and the ring-ring of the cylindrical mirror are investigated. The distributions for different values of the starting radius, the radius of the cylinder and the width of the emission ring are obtained. It is shown that for a fixed width emission rings and increasing its radius among two competing processes (increase the current on detector by increasing the area of emissions and current decreasing due to the greater proportion of electrons with an azimuthal velocity component) dominates the first. It is shown that the peaks of the electron distribution on the surface of the cylinder are increased significantly with increasing radius of the emission ring, becoming asymmetrical with increasing of the peak tails.

Keywords: energy analyzer, cylindrical mirror, emission ring, output aperture

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Shevchenko Sergey Ivanovich, nyro2@yandex.ru
Article received in edition: 18.11.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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B. P. Sharfarets


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2017, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 102—112.
doi: 10.18358/np-27-1-i102112

In order to solve the problem of choosing the most effective mechanism for mathematical modeling of Interrelated physical fields in continuous media are considered using the variational approach. It summarizes the current theory on the subject, based on the use of variational principles, or variational equations. Specifies the criteria for their selection, discusses the features of this method. Is provided specific example. In the second part of the work will be done the analysis of the cases, when the variational approach is only possible to produce mathematical models of multiphysical phenomena. The appendix describes the dissipative function (dissipative potential) in the case of a homogeneous viscous heat-conducting fluid, which plays an important role in the modeling of irreversible processes.

Keywords: mechanics of continua, related physical fields, variational principle, the variational equation,
terms of holonomic of variational equations, dissipative potential

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Sharfarets Boris Pinkusovich, sharb@mail.ru
Article received in edition: 15.12.2016
Full text (In Russ.) >>


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