Rapid analyzer ANK-4 (4 pieces) is a new-generation instrument of the ANK line, namely, nucleic acid quantity analyzers by the PCR method in the real-time mode. The instrument is designed as a mobile device able perform a great variety of RT-PCR investigations. The ANK-4 is designed so as to perform the RT-PCR analysis during 30 minutes; duration of the entire analysis cycle, from sampling to getting the results, does not exceed two hours.
The ANK-4 instrument comprises: thermal unit working in the 60-95-60 ° C cyclic mode; ensures high rate of the PCR analysis; optical unit measuring the sample fluorescence signal (4 colors). four-color measurement of the fluorescence signal makes it possible to observe concurrently four independent reactions in the same sample; software allowing the researchers to set and control the PCR conditions, measure the fluorescence, and process the data obtained. A line of auxiliary laboratory equipment, as well as reagents and RT-PCR test systems, was developed specially for the ANK instruments.
Minimal analysis duration: DNA analysis for 30 minutes. Applicable under field conditions. Estimation of DNA quantity in the sample from units to 109 copies. Concurrent quantitative analysis of up to 4 different DNAs in the same test tube. High sensitivity allowing one to minimize the amount of reagents. Friendly software, up-to-date data processing algorithms. reduction of contamination risk. Adapted reagent base (produced by CJSC SINTOL, Moscow ).
Field express analysis: Biological safety: detection of causative agents of plague, cholera, smallpox, anthrax, and so on. Agriculture: GMO detection, etc. Criminalistics: identification of personality. Education: It is possible to perform the entire cycle of RT-PCR analysis during 2 academic hours.
RF Patent No. 2304277 of August 2007.
Institute for Analytical Instrumentation RAS.
The mandatory delivery set includes: rapid analyzer ANK-4; software; procedural guidelines; calibration kit; primers, dyes and other reagents produced by CJSC SINTOL ( Moscow ). The following devices can be delivered optionally: high-speed micro-centrifuge, vortex centrifuge, solid-state thermostat.