B.V.Bardin, V.D.Belov and N.V.Mamro

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation RAS, St.Petersburg

A system for automation of X-ray photoelectron spectrum acquisition and processing is described. It is designed to update the ÝÑ 2401, ÝÑ 3201, ÝÑ 2402, ÝÑ 2403 and other electron spectrometers and can be also used to develop new instruments. The system consists of a set of hardware and software tools. The hardware is made as a plug-in board inserted into the ISA bus slot of an IBM compatible computer. The board incorporates a control circuit for the instrument's energy scanning electronics and a count channel of the spectrometric data acquisition system. The maximum input pulse rate in the acquisition channel is 100 MHz, counter capacity is 24 bits, accumulation time per data point is 1 us to 4000 s. The software consists of a program package for automation of spectral data acquisition, reduction, evaluation, resolution enhancement and documentation. The data reducing stage ensures background rejection (piecewise - linear and integrated), data smoothing, median and linear filtration, derivatives calculation. The evaluation and resolution enhancement are done by least-squares fitting with Sherwood functions and by deconvolution (elimination of the instrumental function) using the maximum likelihood technique.