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"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, Vol. 31, no. 4. ISSN 2312-2951, DOI: 10.18358/np-31-4-e106

"NP" 2021 year Vol. 31 no. 4.,   ABSTRACTS


A. M. Baranov, T. V. Osipova


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 3—29.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i329

This paper presents a review of current trends in the development of manufacturing technologies of sensors of pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases and vapors of flammable liquids. Various types of gas sensors are discussed, including catalytic, semiconductor, and optical sensor types, and the principles of their operation.
The advantages and disadvantages of each type of gas sensor are highlighted. New and traditional technologies for manufacturing sensitive elements that improve sensor parameters such as processability, miniaturization and reduce energy consumption are discussed. In conclusion, this article suggests future trends and prospects for development and research to improve the sensitivity and selectivity of sensors.

Keywords: pre-explosive concentrations, sensor, catalytic sensor, semiconductor sensor, optical sensor

Author affiliations:

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Russia

Contacts: Osipova Tat'yana Vladislavovna, t.osipova.95@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 02.09.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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I. Ivanov1, A. M. Baranov1, V. A. Talipov2, S. M. Mironov2,
I. V. Ivanushkin3, E. A. Butenkov3, A. B. Shumakov3


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 30—40.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i3040

The results of development of an autonomous methane detector in a dynamic measurement mode are presented. Industrial catalytic sensor was used as a sensitive element. To prevent burnout of the catalytic sensor microheater which often occurs during pulsed heating, the special form of heating pulse has been developed. The proposed dynamic mode of the sensor heating provides the measurements with low power consumption and the required level of safety in the measurement range of pre-explosive methane concentrations from 0.1 to 2 vol.%. Based on the analysis of the obtained results, the estimation of autonomous operating time of the detector is given.

Keywords: methane detector, catalytic sensor, microheater reliability, dynamic measurement mode, battery life

Author affiliation:

1Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia
2Scientific and Technical Center of Measuring Gas Sensing Sensors
named after E.F. Karpova, Lyubertsy, Russia

3Research and Production Enterprise "Company "AEROTEST", Tomilino, Russia

Contacts: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, I.Ivan1993@yandex.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 3.08.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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I. V. Kurnin


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 41—54.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i4154

The paper presents an analytical model describing the dynamics of ion cloud, taking into account the action of space charge during a motion in ion mobility spectrometer – starting from the reaction region, where the shutter forms an ion pulse, and the further drift of the formed ion pulse towards the collector. The presented model lets to estimate the degree of influence of the space charge on possible ion losses and the resolution of ion mobility spectrometer. The effect of the space charge becomes noticeable, starting with the ion density of 106 cm–3. Comparison of the results obtained using the analytical model with the results of numerical solution of the initial equations shows that they practically coincide.

Keywords: ion mobility, space charge, resolution of an ion mobility spectrometer

Author affiliations:

Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Kurnin Igor' Vasil'evich, igor.kurnin@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 08.10.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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I. V. Kurnin1, N. V. Krasnov1, A. N. Arseniev1, A. G. Cherepanov2,
M. N. Krasnov3, E. P. Podolskaya1


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 55—70.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i 5570

As an ion gate for the formation of a short ion pulse in an ion mobility spectrometer, a gridless design with two coaxial diaphragms is proposed. It has been experimentally shown that, depending on the geometric and electrical parameters of this shutter, there is an optimal duration of the electric pulse opening the gate, which provide the maximum amplitude of the ion pulse.

Keywords: ion source, ion gate, ion transport at atmospheric pressure, ion mobility spectrometer

Author affiliations:

1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, Russia
3Device Consulting Ltd, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Kurnin Igor' Vasil'evich, igor.kurnin@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 22.10.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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  10. Arseniev A.N., Alekseev D.N., Belchenko G.V., Gavrik M.A., Krasnov N.V., Koryakin P.S., Krasnov I.A., Kurnin I.V., Myaldzin Sh.U., Muradymov M.Z., Monakov A.G., Pavlov V.G., Zvereva A.V., Nikitina S.N., Podolskaya E.P., Prisyach S.S., Semenov S.Yu., Krasnov M.N., Samokish A.V. [Spectroscopy of peptides, proteins and oligonukleotides from solutions by ion mobility]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2015, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 17—26. DOI: 10.18358/np-25-1-i1726 (In Russ.).
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  14. Kurnin I.V., Samokish V.A., Krasnov N.V. [Optimal operational mode of Bradbury–Nielsen ion gate in an ion mobility spectrometer]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2011, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 34—39. (In Russ.). URL: http://iairas.ru/en/mag/2011/abst2.php#abst5
  15. Krasnov N.V., Pauls Y.I., Samokish A.V., Samokish V.A., Khasin Yu.I. [The resolving power of ion mobility spectrometer with double consecutive ion separation at corona discharge ionization]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2007, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 40—48. (In Russ.).
    URL: http://iairas.ru/en/mag/2007/abst1.php#abst6

A. G. Kuzmin1, Yu. A. Titov1, G. V. Mitina2, A. A. Choglokova2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 71—78.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i7178

For the first time, the quantitative and qualitative composition of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), released by strains of various species of entomopathogenic fungi (EF) of the genus Lecanicillium, was studied using a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Lecanicillium fungi are used as an alternative to chemical pesticides for plant protection. The main detected components of the gas phase over the EF mycelium on the 10th day of growing on the agar Czapek's medium were carbon dioxide (5—20%), oxygen (0.1—15%), acetone (0.2—12 ppm), pentane (up to 0.5 ppm), acetic acid (up to 0.15 ppm). Acetone and pentane were found in the VOCs of all studied strains, acetic acid – in 5 strains belonging to different species, in other strains it appeared after a longer period of time, or was absent completely. Among the VOCs of some strains, substances such as hexyl acetate, sulfur dioxide were found in small quantities. These substances may be responsible for the pathogenic and repellent properties of the studied fungi with respect to phytophages.

Keywords: mass spectrometry, volatile organic compounds analysis, entomopathogenic fungi

Author affiliations:

1Institute for Analytical Instrumentation of RAS, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, Pushkin, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Kuzmin Aleksey Georgievich, agqz55@rambler.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 15.09.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


  1. Bojke A., Tkaczuk C., Stepnowski P., Golebiowski M. Comparison of volatile compounds released by entomopathogenic fungi. Microbiological Research, 2018, vol. 214, pp. 129—136. DOI: 10.1016/j.micres.2018.06.011
  2. Mitina G.V., Stepanycheva E.A., Choglokova A.A. [Effect of different species of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus Lecanicillium on behavioral responses and survival of the greenhouse white wing Trialeurodesvaporariorum]. Vestnik zaschity rasteniy [Plant Protection Bulletin], 2020, vol. 103, is. 4, pp. 265—268. DOI: 10.31993/2308-6459-2020-103-4-13466 (In Russ.).
  3. Kuzmin A.G., Tkachenko E.I., Oreshko L.S., Titov Yu.A., Balabanov A.S. [Mass spectrometric express diagnostics method by exhaled air composition]. Medizinskiy akademicheskiy zhurnal [Medical Academic Journal], 2016, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 106—107. (In Russ.).
  4. Manoilov V.V., Kuzmin A.G., Titov U.A. Extraction of information attributes from the mass spectrometric signals of air. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016, vol. 71, no. 14, pp. 1301—1308. DOI: 10.1134/S1061934816140094
  5. Shevchenko A.N., Kuzmin A.G., Titov Yu.A. [Mass spectrometric measurement of composition of gas mixtures in cells of quantum rotation sensor]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2018, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 62—68. DOI: 10.18358/np-28-2-i6268 (In Russ.).
  6. Novikov L.V., Manoylov V.V., Kuzmin A.G., Titov Yu.A., Zaruzkiy I.V., Nefedov A.O., Nefedova A.V., Arseniev A.I. [ Express diagnostics of diseases by exhaled air based on a quadrupole mass spectrometer ]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2020, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 94—105. DOI: 10.18358/np-30-4-i94105 (In Russ.).
  7. Kuzmin A.G., Titov Yu.A., Suvorov N.B., Kuropatenko M.V. [ Mass-spectrometric studies of the dynamics of exhaled air composition during dynamic postural effects ]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2020, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 84—94. DOI: 10.18358/np-30-4-i8493 (In Russ.).
  8. Savelieva E.I., Gavrilova O.P., Gagkaeva T.Yu. [Investigation of composition of volatile organic compounds released by microscopic fungus fusariumculmorum by gas chromatomass spectrometry in combination with solid-phase]. Ekologicheskaya chimiya [Environmental chemistry], 2014, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 110—118. (In Russ.).

E. E. Maiorov1, S. V. Kolesnichenko2, G. A. Tsygankova3,
A. C. Mashek3, A. A. Konstantinova4, E. A. Pisareva5


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 79—87.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i7987

The paper highlights a modern spectral device for measuring the optical parameters of solid-state materials in liquid-phase. The development of these devices is promising for optical instrumentation and science in general, since these devices are informative, highly accurate and provide reliable information. In the paper the appearance, block diagram and lighting system of the spectrometer are presented. The spectral dependences of the transmission on the wavelength in the visible range of the spectrum for disinfectants Like, Grand, Aqualite (1% solutions) are obtained. For the analysis of the studied substances, specialized cuvettes with a working length from 0.1 to 0.5 mm and leucosapfir optical pads were used. The cuvettes were 0.05 mm thick. The spectrometer provided measurement of the transmission of disinfectants in the wavelength range of 380—760 nm with an error not worse than ΔT ≤ 2%.

Keywords: disinfectant, spectral device, wavelength, transmission coefficient, two-lens condenser, optical filter, cuvette

Author affiliations:

1Saint-Petersburg state university of aerospace instrumentation (GUAP), Saint Petersburg, Russia
2Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
3The naval polytechnic institute, Pushkin, Russia
4Military Academy of telecommunications named. S.M. Budyonny, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
5 Mikhailovskaya military artillery academy, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

Contacts: Maiorov Evgeniy Evgen'evich, majorov_ee@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 01.09.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


  1. Born M., Vol'f Eh. Osnovy optiki [Fundamentals of optics]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1970. 855 p. (In Russ.).
  2. Maiorov Ε.Ε. [Investigation of optical properties of liquid-phase media based on glycols]. Nauchnoe obozrenie [Science review], 2013, no. 4, pp. 166–176. (In Russ.).
  3. Landsberg G.S. Optika [Optics]. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1976. 926 p. (In Russ.).
  4. Maiorov E.E., Prokopenko V.T., Ushveridze L.A. [Study of ultraviolet spectrophotometer (? = 200...400 nm) and its components]. Pribory [Instruments], 2014, vol. 164, no. 2, pp. 10–15. (In Russ.).
  5. Maiorov E.E., Mashek A.Ch., Tsygankova G.A., Khaidarov G.G., Khaidarov A.G., Zaitsev U.E., Abrahamyan V.K. [Development of a laboratory spectrophotometer for the visible spectrum for the control of liquid-phase environments]. Pribory i sistemy. Upravlenie, kontrol', diagnostika [Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics], 2016, no. 8, pp. 42–46. (In Russ.).
  6. Maiorov E.E., Mashek A.Ch., Tsygankova G.A., Khokhlova M.V., Kurlov A.V., Chernyak T.A., Fadeev A.O. [Computer simulation of the optical spectrum of dimethylsulfoxide (CH3)2SO and dimethylsulfone (CH3)2SO2 or refractometric means of control]. Pribory i sistemy. Upravlenie, kontrol', diagnostika [Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics], 2016, no. 12, pp. 35–41. (In Russ.).
  7. Maiorov E.E., Mashek A.Ch., Tsygankova G.A., Pisareva E.A. [Ultraviolet Wavelength Spectrophotometer Study for Analysis of Disperse Media Transmission Spectra]. Izvestiya TulGU [Izvestiya Tula State University], 2018, no. 4, pp. 357–365. (In Russ.).
  8. Maiorov E.E., Turovskaya M.S., Litvinenko A.N., Chernyak T.A., Kurlov V.V., Dagaev A.V., Ponomarev S.E., Katunin B.D. [Research spectrometer for the ultraviolet region of the spectrum and its feasibility study]. Pribory i sistemy. Upravlenie, kontrol', diagnostika [Instruments and Systems: Monitoring, Control, and Diagnostics], 2018, no. 7, pp. 38–43. (In Russ.).
  9. Maiorov E.E., Shalamai L.I., Kuz'mina D.A., Mendosa E.Yu., Narushak N.S., Sakerina A.I. [Spectral analysis of dental restoration material and dental tissue of patients of different age groups in vitro]. Izvestiya TulGU [Izvestiya Tula State University], 2020, no. 8, pp. 105–114. (In Russ.).
  10. Kuzmina D.A., Mendosa E.Yu., Maiorov E.E., Narushak N.S., Sakerina A.I., Shalamay L.I. [Experimental studies of optical properties of hard tissues of anterior teeth and modern synthetic filling materials]. Stomatologiya dlya vsekh [Dentistry for All], 2020, no. 4, pp. 58–62. DOI: 10.35556/idr-2020-4(93)58-62. (In Russ.).
  11. Kuzmina D.A., Mendosa E.Yu., Maiorov E.E., Narushak N.S., Sakerina A.I., Shalamay L.I. [Spectroscopy of dental tissues reflection in vitro and nanohybrid restoration materials]. MEDICUS. Mezhdunarodnyi meditsinskii nauchnyi zhurnal [International peer-reviewed scientific medical journal "MEDICUS"], 2020, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 68–73. (In Russ.).
  12. Kuzmina D.A., Maiorov E.E., Shalamay L.I., Mendosa E.Yu., Narushak N.S. [Using the reflection spectroscopy method to recognize the authenticity of dental restoration materials]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Priborostroenie [Journal of Instrument Engineering], 2021, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 63–70. DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-1-63-70 (In Russ.).
  13. Maiorov E.E., Chernyak T.A., Tsygankova G.A., Mashek A.C., Konstantinova A.A., Pisareva E.A. [Spectral studies of textile optical bleach and organic dye]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2021, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 73–83. DOI: 10.18358/np-31-1-e010 (In Russ.).
  14. Arefiev A.V., Guliyev R.B., Maiorov E.E., Kotskovich V.B., Pushkina V.P., Khokhlova M.V. [Spectrophotometry of basic disinfectants in the ultraviolet wavelength range]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Priborostroenie [Journal of Instrument Engineering], 2021, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 294–299. DOI 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-4-294-299 (In Russ.).
  15. Kuzmina D.A., Shalamay L.I., Mendosa E.Yu., Maiorov E.E., Narushak N.S. [Application of fluorescence spectroscopy for in vitro analysis of filling materials and hard tooth tissues]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Priborostroenie [Journal of Instrument Engineering], 2021, vol. 64, no. 7, pp. 576–582. DOI: 10.17586/0021-3454-2021-64-7-576-582 (In Russ.).

Y. Y. Mikhalchevsky1, G. A. Kostin1, E. E. Maiorov1,
A. V. Arefiev2, M. V. Khokhlova3, S. V. Udachina4


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 88–101.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i88101

This work highlights the development of optoelectronic refractometer to study anti-icing liquids. Determining the composition authenticity and the flow rate of these liquids has always been a relevant task for the airport maintenance units, engaged in the processing of the aircraft body. The paper presents the objects of research: aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol, which make up 95% of the composition of liquids of TYPE I, TYPE II, TYPE IV. The structural diagram and appearance of an optoelectronic refractometer are given. The results of measurements of the temperature dependences of the refractive index n(t) for solutions of ethylene glycol and propylene glycol in the temperature range from 12 °C to 100 °C and for concentrations from 0% to 100% are obtained. The spectra of ultraviolet optical transmission in ethylene glycol and propylene glycol of high purity in the wavelength range λ 210–320 nm with an error not worse than T = 0.5% are studied. The technical characteristics of an optoelectronic refractometer are given.

Keywords: anti-icing liquid, spectrum, optical transmission, ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, preflight preparation

Author affiliations:

1Saint Petersburg State University for Civil Aviation, Russia
2University at the EurAsEC inter-parliamentary Assembly, Saint Petersburg, Russia
3Military space Academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky, Saint Petersburg, Russia
4Saint Petersburg state university of aerospace instrumentation (GUAP), Russia

Contacts: Maiorov Evgeniy Evgen'evich, majorov_ee@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 22.09.2021

Full text (In Russ./In Eng.) >>


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  7. Belov N.P., Lapshov S.N., Maiorov E.E., Sherstobitova A.S., Yaskov A.D. [Optical properties of black liquor and refractometric methods for monitoring the solid residue concentration in sulfate cellulose production]. Zurnal prikladnoj spektroskopii [Journal of Applied Spectroscopy], 2012, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 514—516. DOI: 10.1007/s10812-012-9630-2 (In Russ.).
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E. G. Silkis1,2, A. S. Stankevich1, V. N. Krasheninnikov1,
Yu. A. Repeev1, D. V. Novikov2


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 102—109.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i102109

On the basis of mini-spectrometers, a reference lamp of the SIRSH type with a known color temperature, and line spectrum sources, an inexpensive hardware complex has been created for measuring the emission parameters of heterodiodes and interference filters. Examples of recording the emission of heterodiodes (full width at half maximum  is 17—30 nm) with a maximum of emission in the region of 659 and 764 nm and measurement of an interference filter (FWHM of the bandwidth is 12 nm) with a maximum transmission of 727 nm are given. The emission parameters of the SIRSH standard lamp are introduced into the program for measuring and processing data, due to which it is possible to significantly refine the value of the wavelength of the maximum emission and transmission.

Keywords: linear CCD recording system, mini-spectrometer, spectral line wavelength, laser heterodiode

Author affiliations:

1Institute of Spectroscopy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Troitsk
2MORS LTD, Moscow, Troitsk

Contacts: Silkis Emmanuil Gershovitch, esilkis@mail.ru
Article received by the editorial office on 10.08.2021

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  3. Silkis1 E.G., Stankevich1 A.S., Krasheninnikov V.N., Novikov D.V. [Laser diode wavelength meter in the range of 330—1080 nm]. Nauchnoe Priborostroenie [Scientific Instrumentation], 2020, vol. 30, no. 1. pp. 27—38. URL: http://www.iairas.ru/mag/2020/full1/Art4.pdf (In Russ.).
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S. V. Vantsov, V. A. Sokolov, O. V. Khomutskaya


"Nauchnoe Priborostroenie", 2021, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 110—119.
doi: 10.18358/np-31-4-i110119

The article highlights the issues of compliance of the mechanics of manipulators of precision industrial robots (PIRs) with the highest accuracy standards specified in the normative technical documentation and practically achieved in the fields of machine-building, instrument-making and electronic industries. In the spotlight there are the possibilities of systems of multi - connected control of complex spatial mechanisms with excessive degrees of freedom (including manipulators of PIRs), the possibilities of systems of multi-circuit control of PIR drives with precision sensors of linear and angular displacements, velocities, accelerations, acceleration gradients (in the future), the issues of matching these parameters with the parameters of the computational part of control systems – the bit depth of digital sensors (more than 20 digits) with an resolution of less than an arc second.
PIR manipulators are used in systems of multi-connected and multi-circuit regulation and control with elements of artificial intelligence, such as automatic adjustment systems (AASs), automatic control systems (ACSs) and artificial intelligence systems (AISs).
These problems are considered in a wide range, including the transition to the fields of nanotechnologies, specifically: for linear (nanometers) and angular (hundredths of arc seconds) measurements, as well as the measurements of velocities, accelerations, and acceleration gradients (in the future – for systems with a human operator in the loop, i.e. human-machine systems (HMSs)).

Keywords: industrial robot, manipulator, accuracy qualifications, ACS, AAS, AIS, precision mechanical value sensors, precision sensors, human operator, human-machine system

Author affiliations:

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Contacts: Chomutskaya Ol'ga Vladislavovna , khomutskayaov@gmail.com
Article received by the editorial office on 09.09.2021

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 PERSONNEL (pp. 124–124)
 Contents of volume 31 (pp. 120–125)
 The authors index of volume 31 (pp. 126–128)

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Total authors of the volume — 96

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